The study of multiples and factors is ripe with opportunities to engage students in intriguing mathematical puzzles. In prior posts (When Factoring Gets Personal, and Open the Safe), I've given some examples of what can be done. Now I'd like to introduce you to … Continue Reading ››
In my prior post, I presented an interactive Web Sketchpad odometer that is a great tool for introducing young learners to place value. Well, technology moves fast these days, and the latest odometers are more powerful than ever. While our prior odometer featured '+' buttons above each digit, our newest innovation in number-tracking technology features … Continue Reading ››
In several of my earlier blog posts, I've written about Sketchpad activities that present factors and multiples in puzzle form (see, for example, When Factoring Gets Personal). Now I'd like to introduce you to another puzzle of mine called Open the Safe that also focuses on factors and multiples. Below … Continue Reading ››
Arranging Addends is an interactive puzzle that I designed on a long bus ride through Alaska. The goal of the puzzle is to arrange the circles and the six numbers (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32) so that three conditions are met simultaneously: The sum of the numbers in the green circle is 21, … Continue Reading ››